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February 2023: New Moon in Pisces


It's not just any New Moon. This Pisces season begins a transit not seen in many decades and some of us haven't lived through. ALL planets are currently in forward motion. And Pisces, ruler of the emotions, the creative mind, and Otherworld connections, has plenty to share.


Journal #1 ~ Pisces rules intuition. Try your hand at free writing, or automatic writing during this time. Just put pen to page and write. Allow yourself to flow into it and not think, decide, plan, or judge. Come back later and see what you wrote!

Journal #2 ~ Getting creative is very Pisces. What arty pursuit to you dream about? In your journal, write about why you LOVE it... then, list why you've put off learning or practicing this art form. When you're ready, close that journal and take action! Get a book, sign up for class, or even watch some free instructions on Youtube. Why not start your adventure right now?

Journal #3 ~ Pisces is the 12th zodiac sign and the "end" of the calendar in astrology. Use your phone photos, calendar or journal to reflect on the past year since the zodiac journey began. That's going back to mid-March 2022, when we last saw a New Moon in Aries. In your journal, make a list of your wins, from the huge to the teeny tiny and celebrate your own accomplishments and awesomeness. It's been quite a year and yes, you rocked it!

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